My Struggles of Working from Home

January 21, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Happy 2020!

Oh boy did this year bring in a lot of resolutions for me, my business and family! Although I didn't list my resolutions out, it consists of being better at everything and putting more of myself out there! So this blog is about my struggles of working from home as a stay at home mom, photographer, business owner!

Oh the Struggles of Working from home!! We bought our first family home three years ago. My grandparents built it in 1984; needless to say it needed a face lift. We still have a lot of work to do. We converted the third bedroom into my studio. Its a very small space I like to refer to as my rubik's cube and i laugh as I am making room for the next session good thing I was always good at tetris! Eventually the boys will want their own room and I will be ready to rent a commercial space, but until then I will work from home. Which is not easy by the way. There are sooo many distractions. Currently my view from my office dest I see my kids legos spread across the coffee table spilling onto the floor. The pillows on the couch look like they were in a fight, the central vac is still laid across the floor waiting to finish its job. I look over my shoulder to see the dishes piled at the edge of the sink. It takes all my efforts not to clean the house when I know I have work to do. I have this odd ideal that my creative mind doesn't work in a mess. It's like I feel a block when there is a mess around me. I try sooo hard to ignore it because if I clean first half my day is gone and everyday is the same but new mess! 

Which brings me to the question I get all the time from friends and family who know I work from home. "What do you do all day when the kids are at school?" I have even inquired about someone I was told cleans homes as a side hustle and the housecleaners response was "isn't she home all day?". I guess she didn't want my business! I know I shouldn't get offended because they don't know what it actually takes to run a business. At least a photography business. I have basically created everything myself from the ground up. I am a photographer, set designer, director, editor, accountant, social media manager, marketing director, website developer, scheduler, salesman, buyer, receptionist, research department, packaging and shipping, delivering galleries, inquiries responder and of course continued education is a huge part! I never stop learning. I am constantly taking courses to better my craft! I'm sure I left out some areas too but... There is always work to be done and It is hard to juggle all of the facets of life when you wear many hats! I feel like everything I do is half done or never completed. Time management and outsourcing is something that has been at the top of my list but not sure where to begin with it!

And that was just the business stuff! I am also in charge of taking care of my children, husband pets and home. Laundry, dishes, cleaning all that good stuff that we all wish we had a full time house cleaner for. Reading and homework, dinners, trying to get quality time between all the chores and work is a struggle sometimes. But this is the year I will pull it all in and get it done!

Anyone know of a good housecleaner or social media manager? 



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