About My Newborn Sessions

I believe there is no moment more magical than when a baby is born. It is an honor to be a part of capturing and documenting this monumental time in your lives! My job photographing your newborn goes far beyond snapping a few shots with a camera. I strive to design and create a set that is beautiful and timeless. The photos from your session will become a family treasure.
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This guide is based on my years of experience photographing newborns. I've compiled my top ten tips of questions I get asked most frequently and some of my “tricks of the trade” to get those beautiful, doll-like images everyone goes crazy for.

However, you are always welcome to contact me with questions! 







1.  Book your session early

As soon as your baby comes, it’s going to be non-stop late nights and hard work (seriously, I’ve been there)! Coordinating a photo session might seem like the last thing on your list of priorities. I recommend booking your session at least 2 months in advance of your due date. This will ensure that a session is reserved when your baby arrives and allows room for rescheduling if needed. 




2.  Best between 2-14 days of age

When booking, it is best to choose a date that is 3-14 days after your due date. If the baby debuts early, please contact me immediately to let me know the wonderful news! We will get you rescheduled within the timeframe of the first 14 days of age. 

Babies are best photographed under 14 days of age, but don't stress! Beautiful imagery can be made later, too. These two pictured below were at 4 and 5 weeks old.

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3. Prepare the day before

Please do not schedule any vaccinations for your baby the day before your shoot. I want that beautiful baby's skin to be smooth and creamy, and sometimes shots can cause a minor skin reaction or leave a mark. 

If you are having a boy and plan on having him circumcised, we will need to consider this when booking. Sessions will not take place for 2-3 days after circumcisions.


4. Getting that creamy, perfect skin

It is important not to use tight-fitting diapers, straps, or elastic on your baby on the day of the shoot! Tight-fitting diapers and elastic outfits cause marks on the baby’s skin, and it can take some time for the skin to plump back to normal.  So the day of the shoot, avoid anything tight-fitting to ensure your baby’s skin looks natural and beautiful for the photos.

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5. Getting baby sleepy for the session

Sleep... We want the baby to be nice and sleepy for the session. Keeping the baby awake a couple of hours before the session is ideal.  It can be difficult to keep a baby from sleeping, but talking, touching, and caressing will keep the baby from dosing off and help prepare for deep sleep in the studio so we can accomplish the most sought-after babydoll poses everyone gushes over. 


6. Feed and change right before the session

We want your baby to be changed and fully fed before the session. Most newborns are on a 2-3 hour feeding schedule. Trying to time feedings around the session will increase the chances of sleep and greatly decrease the chances of fussiness! Everyone wins. 

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7. The perfect setting

Getting the room just right for our photoshoot is a big part of making the photos a huge success! I create a quiet, relaxing environment with gentle music and temperatures just right for the baby to stay comfortable and relaxed. We’ve turned up the heat a little for the baby to stay comfortable, but parents should be comfortable too! I like to start with the family portraits so for the rest of the session you can kick back and catch up on rest. I also recommend dressing in layers during the shoot if things get a little too warm, or let's be honest, messy! Leaving a backup outfit in the car isn't a bad idea either... just in case!


8. Parents, rest... and let me do the rest!

For posed sessions, I love getting parents involved and helping. Sitting near, assisting with props, and choosing accessories. Once in a while, if the baby has difficulty settling, it may be that the baby is distracted by the smells and voices of their parents. In this case, parents can sit a few feet back and watch from a distance. If I need assistance for a particular pose or if the baby needs something - which they probably will, I will call you back immediately!

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9. Parents be photo-ready 

I love incorporating family into every session. Please be prepared to be photographed. Simple clothing is best when in color harmony. I offer a few options if you have no idea how to piece it all together. Feel free to text me with ideas. I will gladly assist you. Also, it is important to have clean nails. Your hands will be in some photos and up close. I recommend getting a manicure a day or two before the session. 



10. Checklist of what to bring

I supply almost everything for the session, from props to wraps and accessories. If there is something sentimental to the family you would like to incorporate into the images, I am more than happy to accommodate. 

Setting out things ahead of time helps things go more smoothly during the shoot. These are my top items to have handy during a shoot: 

• Extra breast milk or formula 

• Extra diapers 

• Wet wipes 

• Pacifier 

• Extra clothing for anyone that will be holding the baby (accidents always happen) 

• Any special props or clothing that is meaningful to your family.



And that's it!